sexta-feira, 24 de julho de 2015

Mensagem para a Apple

My family and I own some Apple devices.
The brazilian Apple resselers and their commitment to the client are very unsatisfactory. Aristotle, the greek who was one of the fathers of the western civilization, would elaborate a syllogism of a sort, whose conclusion would be: “... so, Apple is not performing well.”
On december 18th 2014, I bought an iPhone for one of my daughters. This week, HE stopped working.
As HE came with a one-year warranty, yesterday, I took HIM to the shop where I bought IT — the shop iPlace I, Brasília, Brazil (owned by Madereira Herval, Dois Irmãos-RS, Brazil) located 5 minutes away from my home. The iPlace I manager told me HE would be replaced but I should go to the other shop — iPlace II, located one hour away from my home. The reason: since January, 2015, iPlace I doesn’t have any technical support (when I bought HIM, the shop was responsible for the technical support).
Today, I went to iPlace II and its manager told me to wait one hour. The shop opens at 10 a.m., but the iPlace II technician only starts working at 11 a.m. Why?
After arriving in the shop, the technician inspected the iPhone and told me HE would be replaced in 20 days (actually, in 20 days or less). I told him this delay was unacceptable; how my daughter would comunicate with us and friends without her iPhone? He answered this was the iPlace II procedure.
Well, what is the global Apple procedure for a mobile malfunction as mine? My answer is: maybe the replacement would be just in time, i. e, I would leave the shop with a NEW one.

So, I decided to accept the unreasonable iPlace II technician proposal, but I’m sending this message to your company. I’m not Disraeli (who stated: “... do not speak, do not answer, do not complain ...” or something as that). I’m complaining. I hope you take measures to improve the intereaction of the brazilian Apple resselers with the clients and at least one human being who loves iAPPLE will receive the benefits of my complaint as well.

sexta-feira, 17 de julho de 2015

Fatos e factóides

Ética e corrupção
        As práticas políticas condenáveis e recorrentes — agravadas na atual conjuntura pelas ações deletérias de Dilma Roussef,  Renan Calheiros e Eduardo Cunha —  apequenam e envergonham a sociedade brasileira. O teor do editorial ‘Chegou a vez dos maus políticos’ (Estadão de 16 de julho), em que as ações da Polícia Federal contra políticos com foro privilegiado, devidamente autorizadas pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal, são analisadas de forma apropriada e contundente, orgulha aqueles que admiram e praticam os costumes da Politeia, “cidade ideal onde a ética prevalece sobre a corrupção”.
[Mensagem acolhida pelo jornal O Estado de São Paulo e divulgada no Fórum de Leitores da versão escrita em 17/Jul/2015]
Temer pede "tranquilidade"
        Para que haja a “tranquilidade institucional” pedida pelo Sr. Michel Temer (Estadão de 16 de julho), é essencial que o articulador político do Governo diligencie para que os políticos poupem a população brasileira da mentira e da corrupção.
[Mensagem também acolhida pelo jornal O Estado de São Paulo e divulgada no Fórum de Leitores da versão escrita em 17/Jul/2015 (Com o apoio da Isabel)]
Mentira e corrupção 
         Conforme foi relatado na coluna Política (Estadão de 16 de julho), “Dirceu afirma que não aguenta mais a situação”. Com tristeza e indignação, é forçoso asseverar que não é mais possível aguentar tanta sujeira, mentira e corrupção, noticiadas sobre o senhor Dirceu e seus acólitos.
